Prize Specifics
- There will be some unique points listed under each individual prize including things such as expiry dates & duration, whether food and beverage / travel & accommodation are included etc.
- Global reserves the right to substitute the prize with another prize at our absolute discretion.
- The fulfilment of all auction lots are subject to the latestUK government health and safety guidance on coronavirus.
- Physical auction items will be posted / delivered to UK addresses free of charge. For international addresses, delivery must be organised and paid for by the highest bidder in addition to their bid payment.
- For all auction items that are due to take place via video-call or over the phone, the online platform used will be determined and organised by Global. A representative of Global may be present on the video or phone call.
- Due to the nature of prize donations, it may take several weeks to organise prize fulfilment.
- Whilst Global strives to ensure that descriptions and photographs are accurate, complete and up-to-date, it does not guarantee that this is the case, and will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused due to a bidder by reason of a description of an auction item (Item) being inaccurate, incomplete or for the Item being otherwise in any way different to the bidder’s expectation.
Global is not liable for any disruption to virtual auction items due to connectivity problems or call/audio/video quality issues. Any problems experienced will not guarantee a rescheduled prize event.
Bidding & Payment
- The auction closes at 22:00 on Sunday 21stJune 2020 (Auction Closing Time). The highest bid received on closing will be the winning bid.
- Payment of winning bids up to £2,000 must be paid by debit/credit card within 7 days of the Auction Closing Time.
- Payment of winning bids of £2,000 or over can be paid for by debit/credit card within 7 days of the Auction Closing Time. Alternatively, payment can be madeby BACs. Paying by BACs saves the charity money on larger transactions as credit card transaction fees are avoided.
- No auction lots will be fulfilled until payment has been received.
- In the event of non-payment within 7 days of the Auction Closing Time,the highest bidder will lose the bid and we will approach the second highest bidder. The second highest bidder will then have 7 days to make payment. This process will be repeated until a bidder makes payment for the bid in question.
- In the event of a technical failure at any time, the last highest bid that was registered online by the Auction Closing Time will be honoured.Global accepts no liability whatsoever for any bids that fail due to technical failure of the auction platform.
In the event of a technical failure at any time, the last highest bid that was registered online by the Auction Closing Time will be honoured. Global accepts no liability whatsoever for any bids that fail due to technical failure of the auction platform.
Prize Winner Terms
- You must be 18 or over in order to bid in this auction.
- We require the winner’s fullname, contact number, postal address and email to facilitate the prize.
- The auction lots arenot for resale and no cash alternative is available.
- This is a charity auction and there will be no refunds.
- If, for whatever reason, the highest bidder is foundnot to be eligible according to these T&Cs, we will approach the next highest bidder.