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Congrats to our Over The Edge Abseil Team

Congrats to our Over The Edge Abseil Team

Remember when Rachel from Heart’s West Midlands radio team conquered her fear of heights by scaling down Fort Dunlop for Make Some Noise?

Continuing on the legacy, 90 brave daredevils took on the Over The Edge abseil challenge by abseiling over 25m down Birmingham’s iconic Fort Dunlop building. That’s the equivalent height of 6 double decker buses piled up on top of each other!

Thanks to every shaky step over the edge, they’ve raised over £19,000 to help support small projects across the UK, improving the lives of young people and their families living with illness, disability or lack of opportunity. Amazing work!

If you’re feeling inspired to help make a difference (whilst staying safely on the ground), here’s how you can get involved.

Support small and local charities across the UK