Give today to make sure nobody is left facing life’s toughest challenges alone. Donate now.

“Christmas is very overwhelming”

"Christmas is very overwhelming"

Dana was struggling financially last year, and often going without food to be able to feed her little girl.

With day-to-day support from her local charity FACES Bedford, Dana is in a much better position this year, and now able to gift her daughter Christmas presents.

Christmas is still a tough time for Dana, but she does everything she can to make it magical for her little girl ✨

We need your help to make sure that nobody is left facing their biggest challenge alone.

If you’re able to give £5 today, it could fund a life changing phone call for an adult seeking mental health support.

“FACES means the world to us as this Christmas we know we have food, presents, we get to meet Santa at the Christmas party.”

Dana, supported by FACES Bedford.

Furniture Village is a family business and, thanks to Furniture Village, we’re able to support even more families in need across the UK this winter.

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