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Everyone deserves to feel loved

At Make Some Noise, we believe everyone deserves to feel loved and included

We challenged our friend Olly Murs to help us spread some love, by finishing the lyrics of love-themed songs. 

Watch the video to see how he got on… With your help, we make sure that everyone has the chance to feel included by supporting brilliant small charities across the UK who are tackling isolation. 

People like the Thompson family. 

Kool Carers support the Thompson family; two parents and their four children.  

The older children are young carers for their mother, who has complex bipolar, and two children have a neuro-diverse diagnosis. 

When their mother faced hospital admission due to a decline in her mental health, the statutory mental health team couldn’t meet her on-going support needs, so Kool Carers stepped in. She received weekly counselling from the charity, and the ongoing support prevented her from being admitted into hospital again. It allowed the family to stay united safely together. 

Kool Carers supports young carers aged 8-18 years in Essex, and their families. Their programmes are guided by the young carers and focus on developing life skills, reducing isolation and enhancing emotional wellbeing whilst having fun. 


You can help us spread love, by giving today. 

A message from Olly Murs… 

“Keep supporting, keep helping small charities. It’s going to make so much change for people. Lots of love.” 

Support small and local charities across the UK