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Donate to help keep the doors open for small charities

Donate to help keep the doors open for small charities

We hope you’re enjoying all your favourite music and podcasts on Global Player! We know how important music is for mental wellbeing.

At Global’s Make Some Noise we’re proud to be supporting brilliant small charities like Soundwell Music Therapy Trust that are transforming lives through the power of music.

£30 could pay for a music therapy group for adults who may have experienced psychosis, or are living with childhood trauma.

Your continued support for Make Some Noise has helped us to keep the lights on and the doors open for vital charities up and down the country.

The rising cost of living means that more people need our help, and small charities up and down the country are finding themselves overwhelmed with demand as well as struggling with increasing energy bills and cost pressures.

Support small and local charities across the UK