Give today to make sure nobody is left facing life’s toughest challenges alone. Donate now.

Give monthly, improve lives

Give monthly, improve lives

Together we can help small charities make a big difference

Small charities up and down the country are a lifeline for their local community.

They support people who are facing difficult life challenges. But, more than ever, these charities need your support.

By signing up to be a regular giver for our charity, you are pledging ongoing support to help keep services running. This includes food banks, mental health and domestic violence helplines, carer support, community projects and employment programmes. 


By being a regular giver, you can help play a vital role in supporting small charities and community projects just like Leeds Black Elders Association across the country. Any amount you’re able to give can go towards life-changing support. When you sign up to give regularly, we’ll keep you updated on the journey of your donations, and how you’re supporting individuals, families and communities across the country.

A note about Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, make your donation go further with Gift Aid. It means that we receive an extra 25p for every £1 donated. All you need to do is tick the box on the online donation form to give a little extra at no extra cost to you.

By supporting Global’s Make Some Noise, you’re helping small charities have a big impact, thank you. 💙

Support small and local charities across the UK