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Meet Ernie

Meet Ernie

Ernie is two years old and has been supported by George’s Rockstars since he was just four months old. 

Usually full of beans and keen to explore the world, his metabolic condition means he has frequent periods of illness, regularly spends a few weeks at a time in hospital. Unfortunately, Ernie gets very frustrated, but as a two-year-old, hasn’t quite developed the language to convey his emotions or even fully understand why he needs to be there. 

Thanks to George’s Rockstars, every time he sees the trolley of instruments coming, he becomes so excited at simply the thought of joining in. Ernie is able to use the music to finally let everyone know how he is feeling. The therapist does a wonderful job of reading his emotions and thinks carefully about which instruments to use to create the music to help Ernie learn and develop – all whilst having a lot of very noisy fun! 

Global’s Make Some Noise will fund the “Music therapy in Paediatric Intensive Care” project for one year, delivered by George’s Rockstars, at Southampton Children’s Hospital. 

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