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Suzanne’s incredible story that led her to start Parenting Mental Health

“I’m going to make it my mission to make sure that no other parent feels like I do” 

Suzanne, Founder of Parenting Mental Health 

When Suzanne’s 14 year old daughter experienced depression, anxiety and suicide attempts, her family were thrown into a frightening and isolating time. As a parent, she knew she played an essential role in supporting her daughter, but couldn’t find the support she needed for herself.  

So, Suzanne decided that if they made it through, she wanted to make sure no other parent felt that way. And a few months later, Parenting Mental Health was started.  

The charity offers support, skills, understanding and hope to parents who aren’t trained for the role they have to take on. They aim to create connections, break the stigma and reduce isolation.  

Watch the video above to find out more about why your support is so important to small charities like Parenting Mental Health.

Global’s Make Some Noise will fund Parenting Mental Health’s ‘Lived Experience Volunteer Skills & Empowerment’ project. A project to organise, train and empower volunteers, who are themselves people with lived experience of parenting a child with a mental health issue. 

Volunteers like Joanne. Joanne was supported by Parenting Mental Health when her daughter Lucy had poor mental health at the age of 15. She now volunteers for the charity, managing the groups admin and organising activities to provide the compassion and support she received to other parents. 

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