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We work with small charities supporting Physical and Mental Health

We work with small charities supporting Physical and Mental Health

Every day, millions of people are going without the care services and support they need or are relying on family members who have become carers overnight.

Why we’re needed…

We could all be one step away from having our lives turned upside down.

We’re working with small and local charities to keep crucial services going to ensure people can access the support they need to feel well and live better lives.

This includes funding hospice and care services, mental health helplines and respite support for people with disabilities and their families, and food banks for those living in poverty.

Recent years have highlighted the huge strain on unpaid carers.

Living with a chronic or life-threatening illness, a disability, or a mental health problem can be overwhelming for those affected and their families.

There’s an estimated 4.5 million people – three times the size of the NHS workforce – who have been forced to become unpaid carers for ill, older, or disabled family members.

There were already an estimated 9.1 million unpaid carers in the UK. Many are under huge pressure and have found themselves newly reliant on food banks because of the increased cost in providing food, care products and paying for household bills.

Similar rising pressures have been felt by many people across the UK which has caused a mental health crisis. The magnitude of poor mental health has resulted from people’s traumatic experiences, of isolation and exposure to abuse, of loss and bereavement and of financial insecurity and job loss.

People under the age of 18 have been particularly severely affected with many children and young people in need of support for anxiety, depression, eating disorders and emergency care.

We believe everyone should have access to the right support services and that nobody should struggle in silence.

With your donations, Make Some Noise can fund small charities that are supporting the health and wellbeing of people in communities across the UK.

Support small and local charities across the UK