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“We’re all just family, really, and if anybody has a problem, we’ll talk about it.”  

“We're all just family, really, and if anybody has a problem, we'll talk about it.”  

Susan has been part of The Choir With No Name in Coventry since the beginning.  

Susan lost her husband, moved cities and was homeless. She stayed in hostels and even slept in a police station for 6 weeks. She found her own place and got a job in the new city, working as a chef. Susan then became ill and had to give up work, and her rent went into arrears. 

After becoming ill, Susan had to give up her much-loved job as a chef and seek support from homelessness services who then referred her on to the charity. Fast forward, Susan is now a big part of the Coventry choir and continues her passion doe cooking by making a meal every week for the group after rehearsal, helping her build connections and a community within the choir.    

“It’s got us all together, all the homeless people. And it just cheers us up, it stops us from sitting at home, being isolated or being outside, we can come here. We have a meal every week, which I do the cooking for, because I’m a chef by trade.” 

Susan is extremely grateful for the community she has found at the choir. “We’re all just family, really, and if anybody has a problem, we’ll talk about it.”  

“We all know what we’ve all been through, being in the homeless hostels or living on the streets, we understand that people need to go somewhere, get a meal, sit down, have a chat about it.” 

Global’s Make Some Noise will fund The Choir with No Name’s ‘Choir in Coventry’ for one year, supporting the facilitation and outreach programme, for people like Susan experiencing or moving on from homelessness.  

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