Text donations via 70766
100% of your donation will go to Global’s Make Some Noise.
Some networks may charge you a standard network rate to use this donation service. If you’re under 16, then ask the bill payer’s permission before texting.
Global’s Make Some Noise will not accept any responsibility for any technical failure, malfunction, congestion, capacity issues or any other problem with any telephone, telephone network, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text being lost, delayed or not properly received and recorded.
Up to and including £30 donations, there is a daily limit including £30 of text donations. Any attempted donations above this limit may incur standard network charges for each attempt and will not be successful or billed.
For £40 donations there is a daily limit of £40 of text donations. Any attempted donations above this limit may incur standard network charges for each attempt and will not be successful or billed.
NB In the event that a challenge does not take place or a specified total is not raised, text donations will not be refunded.
For £20 donations, your phone provider may take two x £10 payments (rather than one £20 payment).
For £30 donations, your phone provider may take three x £10 payments (rather than one £30 payment).
For £40 donations, your phone provider may take four x £10 payments (rather than one £40 payment).
Global Charities is registered with Phone-paid Services Authority; registered number ORG831-51159-55647.
When you donate through text, we may contact you to request you complete a gift aid declaration. You will not be charged to receive this message and will not receive any additional messages from us after this.
If you have any additional questions regarding our Premium Rate services, please check out our FAQs
August 2021
Watch this video to find out how important your donation is to families like Rosie’s…