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Jamie Theakston & Emma Bunton Surprise Ruby for Christmas

Heart London’s Jamie Theakston met a very special little girl on his Long Walk To London, he and Emma Bunton wanted to give her a magical Christmas surprise.

During Jamie Theakston’s Long Walk To London, he crossed paths with a very special girl called Ruby. Aged just 7, Ruby and her dad Sean are being supported by Jigsaw4u, a small charity Global’s Make Some Noise supports. Jigsaw4u helps children and young people affected by bereavement, through mentoring, together with one-to-one support and therapeutic group work, Jigsaw4u helps children and young people to ‘put the pieces back together’.

Ruby’s mum sadly took her own life in November 2016, and since 2017 Ruby and her dad Sean have been receiving support from Jigsaw4u. Ruby is supported by a range of services from the small charity, including sessions at her school and time where she makes memory boxes.

Jamie was incredibly moved by the unicorn-loving youngster’s story, and kept in touch with her and her dad after completing his gruelling seven marathons in seven days challenge.

Earlier in the week, Jamie and Heart London Breakfast co-host Emma Bunton were moved when they received a Christmas card and update from the family in the post. Typically of the big-hearted Ruby, the card said that she wanted to say a BIG thank you for all the money Heart listeners raised to help her and other kids at Jigsaw4U.

Jamie and Emma spoke to Ruby’s support worker, Ann-Marie, from Jigsaw4U about what a special little girl she is. They learnt that this is the first year that Ruby and her dad will have Christmas just the two of them, and that it has always been her dream to go to Lapland and meet Father Christmas.

The card got Jamie and Emma thinking that they would love to make Ruby’s dream come true, and surprise the duo with a special trip to meet him at his festive HQ.

On Wednesday, Jamie rang Sean to ask him to bring Ruby in to the studio the following day as he had an idea up his sleeve – and that he had been in touch with the folks at Christmas in Leicester Square to borrow their grotto, and that he had also blagged a Father Christmas outfit from a fancy dress shop. He didn’t fully reveal his plan, but it was clear that he was up to something… and all was revealed the next day on the breakfast show.

With Ruby out of earshot, Jamie told Sean to take her to the grotto across from the Heart studio where he would be waiting dressed up as Santa, and armed with a special surprise – a trip to Lapland for her and her dad!

At the end of the week, listeners got to hear Ruby’s reaction as she found out that her Christmas wish had been granted – after being told the unicorn she really wanted wouldn’t be under the tree this year. After leaving the studio and heading across to the Christmas market, she was greeted by Jamie in disguise.

He handed her a present with a special message inside, which she read aloud.

“Ruby you have been such a little star this year, we are going to give you a very special surprise. You and daddy are going to go to Lapland to meet the real Santa Claus.”

As it sunk in that her Christmas wish had been granted, she told Jamie she “couldn’t wait” to tell her dad, and ran out of the grotto shouting, “I’m going to Lapland!”

Click here to donate to Global’s Make Some Noise, and help more amazing children like Ruby and the small charities that support them.

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