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More ways that we're making a difference in your community

Haringey Shed, an inclusive theatre and performing arts company for children and young people, is just one of the projects awarded a grant from Global’s Make Some Noise, through our 2014 appeal.

The cast’s recent production of “The Wishmaker” at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre had a surprise visit from Global’s Make Some Noise, as we presented them with a cheque for £4,970.

The charity works towards making the performing arts accessible to children of all abilities and backgrounds in order to develop their creativity, confidence and integration into the community, and is a project that we are very proud to support.

Jim Shepley, executive director of Haringey Shed (pictured holding the cheque on the left) said:

“This is a fantastic surprise and a great finish to our show. We are very grateful to Global.  As a small charity we rely ever more on the contributions of individuals, corporates and trust funds, without their support we couldn’t survive.”

The funds will be used to provide a holiday arts residential for young people, with and without disabilities.

“The  5-day programme will give young people access to three days of activities that will develop confidence, team skills and communication through a mix of performing arts and adventure activities”, said Jim

Haringey Shed Patron, David Lammy MP (pictured holding the cheque on the right) said:

“Haringey Shed is one of Tottenham’s greatest cultural assets – helping young people from across the constituency flourish and reach their full potential in this important art form. Over the past five years, austerity has sadly damaged the arts immensely, yet it is heartening to see wonderful organisations like Haringey Shed thriving in our community. I wish them all the luck with their forthcoming projects over the next year!”

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